Insurance of Members of the Board of Directors who are not Company Partners in Joint Stock Companies

Att. Necip İlker Karaoğlan*

Joint stock companies are one of the leading actors of economic life in the globalizing world. The body authorized to manage and represent joint stock companies is the board of directors. The members of the board of directors in joint stock companies are the legal representatives of the company’s legal entity. The insurance issue of board members of the joint stock company is regulated  by  the Social Insurance and Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510, which came into force on 01.10.2008. Within the scope of the Law No. 5510, it is an important factor influencing the insurance status is whether the members of the board of directors of the joint stock company are shareholders of the company. Members of the board of directors who are not shareholders will not be able to be insured under the Law No. 5510 just by virtue of being members of the board of directors.

Keywords: Board Members of the Joint Stock Company, Service Contract, Agency Contract, Law No. 5510, Social Security Institution

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* Karaoğlan Consulting