Dr. Nüsret – Semahat Arsel International Business Law Implementation and Research Center (NASAMER) was founded within Koç University Law School thanks to the generous support of Dr. Nüsret Arsel and Semahat Arsel. The Center was established with the objectives of promoting cutting-edge research on international business law, strengthening ties with prominent research centres and relevant international organisations, organising academic events, serving as repository for international organisations, and contributing to research-focused legal education.

NASAMER supports studies and research in the field of international business law, understood broadly, including the following topics: European Union Law, Maritime Law, Transport Law, Insurance Law, Corporate Law, Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility, Banking Law, Capital Markets Law, Commercial Enterprise Law, Negotiable Instruments Law, Bankruptcy & Enforcement Law, Intellectual Property Law, Competition Law, Data Protection & Privacy Law, Corporate Taxation, Private International Law, Commercial Contracts, Law and Economics, Private Law and Emerging Technologies.