Legal Aspects of Crypto Assets and Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
June 2024, Wednesday

Crypto assets and their evolving ecosystems are capturing global attention, with Türkiye securing a notable position within the international landscape. The recent legislative proposal presented to the Turkish Grand National Assembly, aiming to amend the Capital Markets Law, underscores this significance...

Mehmet Egehan Coşkun

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How to Detect Well-Known Marks?
May 2024, Wednesday

Currently, there is no single and comprehensive legal instrument which governs how trademarks are protected and treated under various legal contexts, which applies to more than one legal system. This the main reason why countries have their own interpretation and codification of trademark law, which leads to certain difficulties in the international application of trademark law(s)...

Sinan Haluk Tandoğan, LL.M.

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A Landmark Judgment on the Bankruptcy of Foreign Companies in Russia
May 2024, Wednesday

On February 8, 2024 the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation directly recognized the possibility of opening bankruptcy proceedings against foreign companies in the Russian’s courts. In this ruling, the court listed in detail the criteria under which such proceedings are possible and in what forms they can take place

Dmitrii Pekarnikov

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The Banking Case – What Is the Extent of Turkish Competition Authority’s Powers for Requesting Information from Undertakings?
April 2024, Wednesday

The "Banking Case" of 2020 sparked important discussions on the scope and limits of the extensive investigative powers the Turkish Competition Authority (TCA) enjoys under the Act No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition. While initially probing potential competition law violations, which were eventually dismissed, the preliminary inquiry garnered attention for the TCA's broad interpretation of its authority to request information from entities...

Zeynep Şengören Özcan & Att. Aslı Ak

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Obligations Imposed on Companies to Protect of the Environment with the Proposal for a EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence
February 2024, Wednesday

Climate change, which has become one of the most important environmental problems today, has started to be discussed within the framework of corporate law discipline in recent years. In this context, two important Directives have been prepared by the European Union for the purpose of reducing and preventing the environmental impacts of companies...

Res. Asst. İclal Nihal Baraç Evci

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The European Investment Bank Complaints Mechanism as an Accountability Mechanism
January 2024, Wednesday

The infrastructure projects, funded by multilateral development banks (MDBs) to contribute to the development of the countries, sometimes cause negative externalities on the social lives of people and/or the environment. Such externalities led to calls for accountability of MDBs. Consequently, they adopted substantive and procedural norms and subjected themselves to take into consideration the social and environmental concerns...

Res. Asst. Ayşegül Kula

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Competitive Concerns Arising from MFC Applications and Their Impacts on Online Commerce
January 2024, Wednesday

In today's rapidly growing online commerce sector, facilitated through electronic marketplaces, websites, and platforms, competition law issues are becoming increasingly intriguing, especially with practices like the best price guarantee. The Most Favored Customer (MFC) clause has become an indispensable part of online commerce. How extensively do competition authorities intervene in MFC clause practices?..

Att. Nur Duygu Bozkurt

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Protection of Trademarks in Private International Law
January 2024, Wednesday

This study aims to offer new answers to questions regarding cross-border trademark infringements from a private international law perspective, and examines in particular, how to determine the applicable law and the international jurisdiction of the courts...

Asst. Prof. Dr. A. Kübra Altıparmak Elmas

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The Legal Proceedings Affecting the Whole of the Commercial Enterprise’s Assets
December 2023, Wednesday

Business enterprises are considered as a whole. The legislator enables commercial businesses to be treated as independent entities in transfers and other legal procedures...

Res. Asst. Sümeyye Erkalan Coşkunsu

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Tort Liability in Multinational Corporate Groups: A Comparative Analysis with Particular Focus on Turkey
November 2023, Wednesday

Multinational enterprises (MNEs) are important actors in today’s global economy, with the power to impact the masses through their activities. National legal systems remain insufficient to regulate the activities of MNEs, which operate worldwide, not only in the countries where the parent companies reside (home country), but also in countries where the subsidiaries operate (host countries).

Dr. Pınar Kara

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Crowdfunding Platforms Under Capital Markets Law
October 2023, Wednesday

Crowdfunding is a financing method that enables persons to obtain funds for a project via internet, by collecting small amounts from a relatively large number of individuals, without traditional intermediaries (such as banks) for profit, cultural or social purposes...

Res. Asst. Defne Kahveci

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Regulation of Digital Markets from Competition Policy Perspective: E-Commerce Law and Draft Amendment of Turkish Competition Act
October 2023, Wednesday

The increased importance of digital platforms for society and the ability of large digital platforms to cause considerable harm to consumers and businesses, thereby harm innovation, put pressure on the lawmakers to regulate the competition problems associated with digital markets...

Prof. Dr. Kerem Cem Sanlı & Att. Dr. Cihan Doğan

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