Submission Rules

  1. NASAMER Law Blog (“Blog”) features opinion & current awareness pieces and research pieces. Opinion & current awareness pieces discuss recent news and developments such as judgments and legislative changes. Research pieces, in turn, report on recently published or forthcoming publications such as journal articles and books, as well as on recent academic events such as conferences and workshops.
  2. The Blog accepts submissions on the following topics and areas of law: European Union Law, Maritime Law, Transport Law, Insurance Law, Corporate Law, Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility, Banking Law, Capital Markets Law, Commercial Enterprise Law, Negotiable Instruments Law, Bankruptcy & Enforcement Law, Intellectual Property Law, Competition Law, Data Protection & Privacy Law, Corporate Taxation, Private International Law, Commercial Contracts, Law and Economics, Private Law and Emerging Technologies.
  3. Submissions made to the Blog are required to be the author’s own work and will be subject to a plagiarism check. Texts not having sufficient academic quality or authenticity will be rejected.
  4. The Blog considers submissions in English and Turkish. Submissions in Turkish shall include an abstract in English between 150 and 300 words. A post can be published in both languages if approved by the Editorial Board.
  5. Submissions should not exceed 1.000 words, including footnotes. Current awareness & opinion pieces should include no footnotes; research pieces may contain footnotes only when absolutely necessary. The author may include links to the relevant sources within the text where possible.
  6. The first paragraph of a research piece should include an introduction to: (i) the issue covered in the post, (ii) the significance and context of the issue covered, and (iii) brief information about the author’s conclusions.
  7. The text should be written in Times New Roman font with 12 font size and 1,5 line spacing. The author may include up to five keywords in their post. Submissions should be sent by email to using the Submission Template.
  8. Whether a submission will be published is subject to the discretion of the Editorial Board. The Board may suggest revisions in relation to the content, language, and form. Submissions not following these Guidelines or not falling within the scope of the topics covered by the Blog may not be accepted for publication. In deciding on the timing of the publication, the Board may take into consideration, among other issues, the number of accepted submissions awaiting publication and the current Blog agenda.
  9. The submitted text should not have been published on another platform. Where the text is submitted to another platform before its submission to the Blog, the author should communicate this information to the Editorial Board at the time of application. The Board has full discretion in deciding whether to publish the post in the light of such information.
  10. If approved by the Editorial Board, the posts published on the Blog can later be published on another platform provided that a proper reference is made to the Blog.
  11. The submissions shall not be aimed at advertisement or marketing and shall not include any language that could be interpreted as such.