The international symposium entitled ‘Contextualising Insurance Contracts: Interactions with Various Fields of Law’ was an event organized as part of the Jean Monnet Module ‘Harmonisation of the Principles of Insurance Law in Europe’ (HOPINEU), and was generously funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission. The event was initially scheduled to be held on 28-29 May 2020, however, due to COVID-19 and the subsequent restrictions, it eventually took place during six weekly sessions between 28 January 2021 and 4 March 2021.
The main purpose of the symposium was to focus on insurance contracts in terms of different fields of law in order to explore existing interactions and tensions. The Organising Committee was delighted to receive a high number of applications from scholars around the globe, including countries as diverse as the United States, New Zealand, Austria, Switzerland and Türkiye.
This event was held in two sessions which were chaired respectively by Samim Ünan (Piri Reis University) and Christoph Brömmelmeyer (Co-chair, ELI Insurance Law SIG & Professor, Europa-Universitat Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)). Speakers discussed, inter alia, contract law problems relating to the renewal of insurance policies, the impact of fraud in the conclusion of insurance contracts, and the interpretation of war risks & terrorism risks in insurance contracts by reference to international law definitions.
You can access the e-book containing the abstracts presented in the symposium via this link.