Past Events
Swansea – Istanbul Colloquium on Unmanned Ships


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May 2019, Tuesday
The Role of Comparative Law in International Arbitration


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May 2019, Friday
Differential Treatment in Insurance: Collateral Damage?


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April 2019, Monday
Navigating in the Arctic: Law of the Sea and Marine Insurance Law Aspects


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February 2019, Monday
Principles of European Contract Law (PECL) as a Proposed Regime of Harmonized Contract Law


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December 2018, Friday
Resolution of International Insurance Disputes Turkish and the EU Private International Law Solutions & ADR Methods


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December 2018, Friday
Insurance Discrimination in Europe: The Relevance of Gender and Race


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December 2018, Friday
Development of International Law in a New Era


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November 2018, Thursday
Reinsurance and Catastrophic Losses


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November 2018, Monday
Certificate Program on Business and Human Rights


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October 2018, Friday
The ‘Private International Law Young Academics Symposium – 1 June 2018

The ‘Private International Law Young Academics Symposium’ was held on 1 June 2018. The Symposium aimed to provide an opportunity for young researchers working in the fields of conflict of laws, international procedural law and international commercial arbitration law to present

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June 2018, Friday
‘Causation in Insurance’ Seminar – 28 March 2018

‘Causation in Insurance’ Seminar ‘Causation in Insurance’ seminar jointly organised by Dr. Nüsret-Semahat Arsel International Business Law Implementation and Research Center (NASAMER) and Turkish Insurance Law Association (TILA) was held at Koç University Anatolian Civilizati

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March 2018, Wednesday